= c("ggplot2", "DBI", "RSQLite", "readr", "gifski")
pkg_list = pkg_list[!(pkg_list %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
mia_pkgs if(length(mia_pkgs) > 0) install.packages(mia_pkgs)
= lapply(pkg_list, require, character.only=TRUE) loaded_pkgs
Gap Minder Sample Queries
The following Quarto document requires additional R packages. Please run the code chunk before continuing.
Real-Data: Gapminder
For the next section, our focus shifts to working with the Gapminder dataset created by Hans Rosling from the Gapminder Foundation. The Gapminder data set represents a longitudinal study of various global developmental indicators over multiple countries across 3 centuries.
Download Gapminder Data
Let’s use curl
a shell command to download the gap-every-five-years.csv
data file at https://coatless.github.io/raw-data/gap-every-five-years.csv.
curl -o gap-every-five-years.csv -LJ https://coatless.github.io/raw-data/gap-every-five-years.csv
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
100 70295 100 70295 0 0 708k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 771k
Import Data into SQLite
Prior to working with the data in SQL, we will need to import it into the database. We achieve this by first creating a file-backed database called gapminder_db.sqlite3
# Setup a connection into a file-backed SQLite database
= DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "gapminder_db.sqlite3") gm_db
Next, we read the data first into R and, then, using the dbWriteTable()
function to write the data as the gapminder
table into the database.
# Iteratively read in data to the database.
readr# Location of the data file
file = "gap-every-five-years.csv",
# Process the data after it has been read in
callback = function(chunk, dummy) {
# Write data to the `gapminder` table iteratively
dbWriteTable(gm_db, "gapminder", chunk, append = TRUE)
# Specify how much data should be written to a database in each chunk
chunk_size = 1000
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
country = col_character(),
year = col_double(),
lifeExp = col_double(),
pop = col_double(),
gdpPercap = col_double()
Next, let’s look at the data inside of the gapminder
= dbReadTable(gm_db, "gapminder")
df head(df, 10)
country year lifeExp pop gdpPercap
1 Afghanistan 1952 28.801 8425333 779.4453
2 Afghanistan 1957 30.332 9240934 820.8530
3 Afghanistan 1962 31.997 10267083 853.1007
4 Afghanistan 1967 34.020 11537966 836.1971
5 Afghanistan 1972 36.088 13079460 739.9811
6 Afghanistan 1977 38.438 14880372 786.1134
7 Afghanistan 1982 39.854 12881816 978.0114
8 Afghanistan 1987 40.822 13867957 852.3959
9 Afghanistan 1992 41.674 16317921 649.3414
10 Afghanistan 1997 41.763 22227415 635.3414
Finally, we stop the database connection:
::dbDisconnect(gm_db) DBI
Load SQLite Database from Disk
Next, we’ll load the SQLite database we just created from disk.
# Setup a connection into a file-backed SQLite database
= DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "gapminder_db.sqlite3") gm_db
For each of the next SQL code chunks, we’re using the following options:
#| label: name-of-code-chunk
#| connection: gm_db
Note: We’re using gm_db
as that is the name of the connection object to the database just established in the preceding code chunk.
Querying Real Data
Let’s begin by looking at a few exploratory components.
First, how many observations or records are in the Table?
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM gapminder
COUNT(*) |
30672 |
What do the first five records of each field look like?
SELECT * FROM gapminder LIMIT 5;
country | year | lifeExp | pop | gdpPercap |
Afghanistan | 1952 | 28.801 | 8425333 | 779.4453 |
Afghanistan | 1957 | 30.332 | 9240934 | 820.8530 |
Afghanistan | 1962 | 31.997 | 10267083 | 853.1007 |
Afghanistan | 1967 | 34.020 | 11537966 | 836.1971 |
Afghanistan | 1972 | 36.088 | 13079460 | 739.9811 |
What countries are in the data set?
SELECT DISTINCT country FROM gapminder LIMIT 10;
country |
Afghanistan |
Albania |
Algeria |
Angola |
Argentina |
Australia |
Austria |
Bahrain |
Bangladesh |
Belgium |
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT country) FROM gapminder;
142 |
What does the population look if we rescale by thousands?
SELECT country, year, pop/1000.0 FROM gapminder LIMIT 5;
country | year | pop/1000.0 |
Afghanistan | 1952 | 8425.333 |
Afghanistan | 1957 | 9240.934 |
Afghanistan | 1962 | 10267.083 |
Afghanistan | 1967 | 11537.966 |
Afghanistan | 1972 | 13079.460 |
We probably want a better variable than pop/1000.0
. We can change the name by placing after the modification AS <new-field>
SELECT country, year, pop/1000.0 AS rescaled_pop FROM gapminder LIMIT 5;
country | year | rescaled_pop |
Afghanistan | 1952 | 8425.333 |
Afghanistan | 1957 | 9240.934 |
Afghanistan | 1962 | 10267.083 |
Afghanistan | 1967 | 11537.966 |
Afghanistan | 1972 | 13079.460 |
How many people are represented in the data set?
SELECT SUM(pop) FROM gapminder;
SUM(pop) |
907928384418 |
What does the GDP per capita across the years look like?
SELECT country, year, ROUND(gdpPercap, 2) AS gdp FROM gapminder;
country | year | gdp |
Afghanistan | 1952 | 779.45 |
Afghanistan | 1957 | 820.85 |
Afghanistan | 1962 | 853.10 |
Afghanistan | 1967 | 836.20 |
Afghanistan | 1972 | 739.98 |
Afghanistan | 1977 | 786.11 |
Afghanistan | 1982 | 978.01 |
Afghanistan | 1987 | 852.40 |
Afghanistan | 1992 | 649.34 |
Afghanistan | 1997 | 635.34 |
What are the features of Iceland, Germany, and Spain after 2000?
FROM gapminder
WHERE (year >= 2000) AND (country IN ("Iceland", "Germany", "Spain"));
country | year | lifeExp | pop | gdpPercap |
Germany | 2002 | 78.670 | 82350671 | 30035.80 |
Germany | 2007 | 79.406 | 82400996 | 32170.37 |
Iceland | 2002 | 80.500 | 288030 | 31163.20 |
Iceland | 2007 | 81.757 | 301931 | 36180.79 |
Spain | 2002 | 79.780 | 40152517 | 24835.47 |
Spain | 2007 | 80.941 | 40448191 | 28821.06 |
Germany | 2002 | 78.670 | 82350671 | 30035.80 |
Germany | 2007 | 79.406 | 82400996 | 32170.37 |
Iceland | 2002 | 80.500 | 288030 | 31163.20 |
Iceland | 2007 | 81.757 | 301931 | 36180.79 |
What if we wanted to visualize the data?
Well, there are built-in methods associated with the sql results… But, let’s take an interactive look at the data. To do so, we’ll use the gganimate
package to rapidly make a graph.
Next, let’s query all of the information from the table.
#| label: retrieve-table-from-db
#| connection: gm_db
#| echo: true
#| output.var: gm_df_from_db
SELECT * FROM gapminder;
Note, we’re exporting the data as: gm_df_from_db
With the query done, we turn our focus to creating our plot that compares life expectancy vs. GDP per capita under all countries in Gap minder across time.
= ggplot(gm_df_from_db) +
p aes(gdpPercap, lifeExp, size = pop, colour = country) +
geom_point(show.legend = FALSE, alpha = 0.7) +
scale_color_viridis_d() +
scale_size(range = c(2, 12)) +
scale_x_log10() +
theme(legend.position = 'none') +
title = 'Year: {frame_time}',
x = 'GDP per Capita',
y = 'Life Expectancy'
) transition_time(year) +